Overwhelmed? Tired? Chronically Sick?

Would you like to...

 Stop covering up your symptoms and get to the root of the issue?
 Learn how to detox your body and home with step-by-step guides?
✓  Remove the overwhelm of switching to a more holistic Crunchy lifestyle?

If you answered YES, then I'm really glad you're here. I've had my own battle with Gut health, Lyme Disease, Parasites, mold, inflammation, and the pain wreaked havoc on my body. I have spent years researching how to heal my body when no doctor would listen. I was able to 100% heal with herbs and natural remedies and now I invite you to

... TAKE MY HAND and we will do it together. 

Join Now

What If You Could Take My Hand & Learn To:

✓ Stop covering up your symptoms and get to the root of the issue?
✓ Learn how to detox your body and home with step-by-step guides?
✓  Learn how to live a more holistic Crunchy lifestyle

... WITHOUT the overwhelm

Hi Friend, I'm Haley, and here's what I'd like to share with you...


Don't let Toxins wreak havoc on your Health any longer.

This is exactly what I need sign me up!

Our bodies are battlefields! The amount of toxins we face is unrelenting, and RIGHT NOW may be the most important time in our history, as humans, to focus on reducing our toxic load. 

The balance between pathogens, viruses, toxins – it’s gone on since time began – but now we are facing situations where we literally can’t turn off the toxic tap. Learning how to reduce your toxic load is a journey and can be overwhelming.

We will take it step by step together in THE CRUNCHY CLUB


Consider why you don't want to do this alone?

A holistic lifestyle journey can be overwhelming because:

➔ There is so much conflicting information out there and now holistic remedies are being heavily censored. 

➔ At the end of a long day you are too tired to research the best way to heal or prevent disease

➔ Studies show that doing it alone, without a supportive and like minded community, makes it less likely that you will succeed. 

➔ You spend thousands of dollars doctor hopping only to be told it is in your head, or they give you a bandaid solution. Friend, I've been there and it was a lonely and scary journey. 

This membership gets amazing results because:

➔ You can cut through the noise of all of the conflicting information and trust that the best research is being handed to you. 

➔ No need for endless searching late at night, it's all been done for you

➔ Being a part of a holistic, like-minded community that is free of censorship is truly priceless.

➔ Learning to examine the potential root cause of your issue will equip you to finally heal and be your own best doctor. 

Learning from experts in their field and doing deep dives every single month into root cause issues. 

➔ A vetted holistic practitioner list that will truly work with and listen to you. Finally.

I'm Ready Tell me what's included!

3 common myths that
will keep you overwhelmed and stuck

Myth # 1: Our health is mostly determined by genetics

Truth: Good health is about lifestyle choices more than genetics
If you’re convinced that taking care of your health is a worthless pursuit because health outcomes are predetermined by your genetic composition, I have good news for you. Research shows that lifestyle choices are the root cause of chronic diseases.

Myth #2: A Drastic Lifestyle Change is Required: 

Truth: It is little by little that health is made. 

While lifestyle and diet do play an important role in your health, even small manageable changes over time can have a profound impact, helping to greatly improve and maintain health. We can take it one step at a time together and every little change you make WILl make a huge difference in the long run.

Myth #3 Holistic and Herbal Medicine isn’t Scientific: 

Truth: It utilizes evidence of underlying mechanisms in the body and evaluates the factors that contribute to illness, while also applying individualized therapies that treat the whole person. 

While holistic medicine is a highly personalized form of health care that addresses the whole person, it’s grounded in both science and art. Herbal and holistic medicine has been around for thousands of years, getting back to our roots is essential to whole body healing.

Imagine what it will feel like to:

  • Have hope that your body can heal from inflammation, parasites, mold, lyme, fatigue, chemicals and more. 
  • Your energy levels increase, and you're able to do things you haven't done in years
  • You enjoy deeper community discussions without the fear of censorship. 
  • You quickly and naturally know what do to for specific health issues, and you no longer feel overwhelmed
  • Your confidence is boosted because you will know how to care for yourself and your family naturally and holistically.

What would it be worth to you, to drop the overwhelm and replace it with confidence in knowing you are doing everything to support you and your family's health?

Here's what it's meant to others...

Joshua Kucela

"Since starting Haley's recommendations I noticed a difference in my allergies as well as my overall health. I usually get sick every winter, but since I've been taking her advice I haven't been sick once! Her suggestions really do work!"

Chloe Outlaw

"I suffer from chronic strep throat and since starting Haley's recommendations I have had way less issues. The last time I was sick I was even able to avoid taking an antibiotic."

Month after month you will receive step-by-step guides in The Crunchy Club

  • Be your own best doctor by learning herbal and holistic remedies to support you and your family naturally.

  • No more google searches (much of it is censored and removed now anyway) needed since the holistic dictionary will be at your fingertips.

  •  You'll have the option to be a part of a like-minded private community for support and encouragement

  •  Get trusted information that is researched/approved and used by herbalist and holistic health coach Haley Maness in her healing journey. 

Let's take a peek at the first six months. You can see the rest of the modules by clicking HERE.

* PLUS *

I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you have every holistic tool you need on your journey to wellness.

Bonus #1

 Herbal Plant Medicine Masterlist

Bonus #2

Clean DIY Swaps & Recipes

Here's what's included in
The Crunchy Club

With this program you'll get:

1. New Trainings Every Month  (Value $500)

2. 15%-30% Discount on medical grade supplements and roots and leave products (Value $300)

3. Recordings of guest Expert trainings & Q &A ( silver and gold) (Value $450)

4. Live monthly Q&A with Haley- Herbalist and Health Coach- currently the only way to work one on one with her (silver and gold) (Value $250)

5. BONUS!  Herbal Plant Medicine Masterlist (Value $97)

6. BONUS!  Clean DIY swaps & Recipes  (Value $47)

  Total Monthly Value = ($1644)  




$15 Bronze

Monthly Payments

  • Access to new material Each month + One Previous Month
  • 15% off Medical Grade Supplements
  • 15% off Roots and Leaves Products 

$47 Silver

Monthly Payments

  • Access to new material each month + one previous month
  • Private Online Community 
  • Expert Speaker Recordings
  • 20% off Medical Grade Supplements 
  • 20% off Roots and Leaves Products 
  • 20% off Future Crunchy Club Specialty Courses

$1997 Gold

Lifetime Access- pay in full or three payments

  • Early Access to new material + keep lessons forever
  • Private Online Community 
  • Expert Speaker Recordings
  • 30% off medical-grade supplements for life
  • 30% off Roots and Leaves Products for life
  • Free Access to all crunchy club specialty courses as shown below. There are currently three courses but much more to come. 

I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Are you ready to...

Be your own best doctor, learn herbal and holistic remedies to support you and your family naturally, no more google searches (much of it is censored and removed now anyway) needed the holistic dictionary will be at your fingertips.

Be a part of a like-minded private community for support and encouragement, all researched/approved and used by herbalist and holistic health coach Haley Maness


I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

Are you ready to...

Be your own best doctor, learn herbal and holistic remedies to support you and your family naturally, no more google searches (much of it is censored and removed now anyway) needed the holistic dictionary will be at your fingertips.

Be a part of a like-minded private community for support and encouragement, all researched/approved and used by herbalist and holistic health coach Haley Maness


I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready